Elsevier 投稿 图片放文中还是文末? 您所在的位置:网站首页 投稿要求图表嵌入源文件什么意思啊 Elsevier 投稿 图片放文中还是文末?

Elsevier 投稿 图片放文中还是文末?

2024-06-24 20:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

新手投稿,求问Elsevier 投稿 图片放文中还是放在另外一个单独的文件上传?好像是不是不同的期刊要求不一样。、 求虫友们帮忙看一下,期刊投稿系统中的选择附件这一步这样要求的,是不是就没说是放文中还是文末,意思就是都可以? 另外请问正文是用单栏还是双栏排版? Please ensure: Full author information appears on the Title Page or on the first page of the manuscript. The corresponding author's phone, fax and e-mail address are listed. References are formatted per our Guide for Authors. Research Highlights (if submitted) are formatted correctly and presented in a separate file of the same name. Graphical Abstract (if submitted) is formatted correctly and presented in a separate file of the same name. Journal of Terramechanics supports interactive plots. Interactive plots enrich your online article. For more information and instructions on how to do this, visit http://www.elsevier.com/interactiveplots. Please submit your interactive plot data with the CSV file extension, selecting the ;Supplementary Interactive Plot data; submission item from the list below. For each file you wish to submit, scroll down and: Select the appropriate Item from the drop-down list. Mandatory items are marked with an asterisk (*). Enter a Description in the text box. Click Browse. In the opened window, select the file on your computer (original source file, not a PDF) and click Open. 'File Name' is filled now. Click Attach This File. 返回小木虫查看更多






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